On the September 1, 2020, the Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project (NAPP) delivered a virtual workshop on “Organizational Performance Tracking and Goal Setting” to 21 (15 males, 6 females) staff members of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), who are mostly in senior positions in the Council. The NAPP adopted the Organization Performance Index (OPI) Measurement Tool in facilitating the training. The training was aimed at guiding stakeholders to monitor organizational progress against set goals using the OPI tool. The training walked participants through the various domains in the OPI tool, including effectiveness and efficiency, for tracking almost immediate performance, and relevance and sustainability for tracking long-term performance. Participants were also encouraged to develop essential tools such as work plans, strategic plans, and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plans, among others. As a next step, they were requested to assess and share with the NAPP team their organizations’ performance level across the different OPI domains.
The training is expected to help organizations understand more specifically USAID-based OPI measurement tool and its uses, to set, track and improve on their organizational performance goals. Adopting and operationalizing the tool is expected to help improve performance and accountability of targeted institutions in line with the USAID goal of enhancing the performance of its project stakeholders.