USAID - FTF- Food Security Innovation Lab activity Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI) intends to increase the capacity of the policy systems in selected Asian countries. PRCI conducted a webinar on Policy Communications on April 4, 2021 in collaboration with the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, for high level officials and policy analysts in the Ministry of Agriculture, Sri Lanka. The webinar brought together 65 participants including 27 women. During the webinar, Suresh Babu (Senior Fellow, IFPRI) made a presentation on ‘Policy Communication: Developing Policy Briefs’ which discussed core research values and basic principles of communication to strengthen research impact. In the context of impact -oriented policy communication, the presentation discussed relevant questions which researchers and analysts must address including questions on target audience (such as developing country governments), how to reach them, appropriate timing to share the research, and how to structure and present the main messages from the research and analysis. Preparing policy brief as a specific practical approach was highlighted as an effective way of policy communication with policy makers. The purpose, format, and content for creating an effective policy brief were discussed. The webinar was interactive and short exercises were included throughout the course of the presentation. Participants were asked to develop a primary message, main messages, and supporting points for their current research project resulting in five draft policy briefs for the Ministry of Agriculture. This activity will be followed by continued collaboration with the Institute of Policy Studies, a partner institution for PRCI in strengthening institutional capacity of policy system in Sri Lanka. To access the webinar presentation, please click here.