Several enumerator trainings were conducted in Ethiopia between 2018-2020:
Trainings in 2018
- Gashaw Abate and Simrin Makhija conducted an Ethiopia Baseline Survey - Enumerator Training which trained enumerators on using SurveyCTO to collect household and GPS data in January 2018. The training had 45 male and 5 female participants.
- Dan Gilligan, Alemayehu Seyoum, Melissa Hidrobo, Harold Alderman, and Fantu Bachewe conducted DFSA SPIR baseline survey trained enumerators on the baseline survey instrument between January-February 2018.
- Dan Gilligan and Alemayehu Seyoum trained enumerators on the UNICEF IN SCT endline survey instrument.
Trainings in 2019
- Namukolo Covic conducted training of data collectors for the Food Based Dietary Guidelines project on how to conduct key informant interviews and focus group discussions and providing guidance on how to do this virtually in August 2020. Training also included how to test the graphics to be included in the related Food Guide. All were contextualized to conduct all the above data collection processes virtually in mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The training had 4 male participants.
- Gashaw Abate provided 7 data collection trainings (i.e., 4 phone surveys and 3 in-person surveys) in May-November 2020. The training had 20 male and 30 female participants.