David Spielman, Gracie Rosenbach, and Gilberthe Benimana conducted an in-person learning event in Rwanda on ‘Program and Policy Impact Evaluation using Quantitative methods’ in Rwanda in March 2022. The training had 15 male and 2 female participants (total 10 youth participants). 15 of the participants were masters' students and will likely use the skills in their masters thesis.. At the end of this course, students/ trainees learnt how to evaluate and assess the impact of programs, projects, and policies. Students were acquainted with how the evaluation or impact assessment of program, project, and policy is designed and implemented to inform policy makers and development actors. The course's content, comprised theoretical and practical parts to enable students/ trainees to have hands-on skills on program or policy evaluation. The teaching process was also supported by case studies drawn in Rwanda and elsewhere to illustrate the needs, the functions, and the process of program and policy evaluation and impact assessment. The logic of training is mainly constituted by the explanation of different approaches and tools frequently used in impact assessment, including experimental and quasi-experimental approaches: Difference-in-Difference (DiD), Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Propensity Score Matching (PSM),Average Treatment Effect (ATE), Multiple regression, and Instrumental Variable Models, among others.