Anjani Kumar, Sunil Saroj, Avinash Kishore, Devesh Roy, Shweta Gupta, and Manavi Gupta conducted an in-person, 6 day training on analytical techniques for impact evaluation. The objective of the training program was to train young scientists from the ICAR, SAUs and CAUs on the analytical techniques for impact evaluation methods. The advances in the impact evaluation methodology were covered in this training program and facilitated scientists to upgrade their knowledge, and skills, to implement impact evaluation methods. The lectures were delivered by IFPRI researchers and other scientists from ICAR institutions. This training provided a unique opportunity for the young scientist to have active interactions on each topic with the course instructors. Hands-on practical exercises and group activities on selected impact assessment methodologies were an integral part of this training so that the participants could apply the same in their research programs. The training had 18 males and 15 females. The training enhanced skills and expertise of the participants. To access the material, click here.