Subhransu Pattnaik, Berber Kramer, Patrick Ward and Tharakeswar G. presented “KhetScore: A cluster randomized trial on the impacts of using digital technologies to unlock risk-contingent credit for marginal farmers in Odisha” in the Agricultural Insurance Evidence Programme Midterm Learning Workshop on International Initiative for Impact Evaluation organized by 3ie. KhetScore is an intervention that that uses digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for small and marginal farmers that can reduce transaction costs and overcome information asymmetries, and improve farmers’ access to credit and insurance, investments in agriculture, incomes, food security and wellbeing. The presentation was made to share the progress of the project along with the baseline findings to researchers from IPA, IFPRI, 3ie and BMGF. The learning event had 18 male and 14 female participants. For more information on the Khetscore randomized control trial, click here.