The USAID funded ‘Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative’-Asia (CACCI-Asia) has been expanding its networking and outreach efforts in Southeast Asia through establishing connections with key focal points in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. As part of this effort, Suresh Babu (IFPRI), recently participated in a regional workshop on 'Climate Change Vulnerabilities, Social Impacts, and Education for Autonomous Adaptation’ in Cambodia held on 12-14 September 2022. The workshop was co-organized by Department of Climate Change, the Ministry of Environment (MoE), Cambodia and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and had various sessions focused on climate change related topics. In one of these sessions, Suresh Babu, presented ‘Institutional development in the context of autonomous adaptation to climate change at the national and regional level- CACCI Approach in Asia’. The presentation noted climate change challenges in Asia and highlighted the status of adaptation and mitigation (A&M) in the region. It also discussed the key features of the CACCI-Asia initiative and presented a case study on institutional development in the context of climate change A&M using CACCI approach in Tajikistan. The presentation also highlighted some examples of autonomous adaptation at the institutional and policy levels.
The main objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of officials from ASEANs on climate change vulnerability assessment and the implementation of successful autonomous and planned adaptation measures. The training had a total of 90 participants (40 from ASEANs and 50 from Cambodia). The key outputs of the workshop are:
- The participants from ASEAN countries acquire knowledge on vulnerability assessment and adaptation at national and local scales
- The participants discussed and shared lessons learned and experiences on vulnerability assessment and autonomous adaptation
- Practical learning and knowledge acquisition through field visits in vulnerable areas in Cambodia, where successful local adaptation measures are practiced
As a follow up to the workshop, several actions are being planned with Southeast Asia country level focal points.
To access Suresh Babu's presentation, click here.