FAO's Office of Innovation and IFPRI present the webinar:
'Guiding integration of policies and investments to innovate for food systems transformation: Global Lessons'
(Side event of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022)
14 October 2022
From 16:00 to 17:30 CET (Rome)/10:00-11.30 EDT
To register, please click HERE
Strengthening the agricultural innovation system (AIS) is a key step to accomplishing food systems transformation. Lack of policy cohesiveness and limited integration of policies and investment plans have constrained the pathway to achieve the SDGs. This side-event will present a framework that defines pathways to food systems transformation using integration at the policy, capacity and investment levels within AISs. It will also analyse the status of existing policies and
financial mechanisms and investments, including lessons learned, experiences, and success factors for implementation of such frameworks in several countries. Based on the analysis, guidelines for a holistic approach to strengthen enabling environments through integrated policies and increasing investments for agricultural innovation at country and regional levels with be discussed and validated.
Beth Crawford, Director of the Office of Innovation, FAO
Paul Dorosh, Director, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI
Framework for policy and investment integration to strengthen AIS: a collaboration between FAO and IFPRI
Suresh Babu, Head of Capacity Strengthening, IFPRI
Natural resource management integration: Example from Malawi — integration of early warning system and natural resource management investments to build resilience
Fundi Kayamba-Phiri, Strategic Leaning Lead, Titukulane project
Policy, Investment, Digitalization and Co-creation integration: Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation systems and European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) operational groups
Inge Van Oost, Senior Policy Officer, DG AGRI, European Commission
Market and value chain integration in Colombia
Diego Mora, FAO Assistant Representative in Colombia, FAO Colombia
Moderator Nevena Alexandrova-Stefanova, Agricultural Extension Officer, Office of Innovation, FAO
Selvaraju Ramasamy, Senior Agricultural Officer, Office of Innovation, FAO
PDF invite: https://www.fao.org/3/cc2395en/cc2395en.pdf
We hope you join us at the webinar, and please feel free to circulate this invite within your network!