Ryan Nehring and Ruth Meinzen-Dick conducted a workshop ‘How are we doing? A learning tool for more inclusive participatory processes’ which helped strengthen the capacity of CGIAR researchers working with Multistakeholder Platforms/Forums (MSPs) in Feb 2023.
This workshop engaged with issues of equity and social inclusion in MSFs through two components. The first was a brief presentation of the workshop’s aims and a synthesis of the key findings of CIFOR’s comparative study on equity and social inclusion in MSFs (https://www.cifor-icraf.org/gcs/research-themes/multilevel-governance/multi-stakeholder-forums/). The presentation set the frame for an open discussion between participants on their different experiences with forums. The second showcased the implementation methods and development of a learning tool to support equity and inclusiveness in MSFs. How are we doing?, was developed with MSF participants to be implemented by themselves as a reflexive and adaptive learning tool. Participants learned how to use the tool and how to adapt it to different contexts. The workshop had 5 male and 8 female participants.
To access workshop material, click here.