With PRCI support, IIDS has also strengthened the capacity of senior government officials at the central and provincial ministries by organizing Results Based Management (RBM) trainings in 2023. For instance, an RBM framework training was organized for senior officials of a few Central Ministries in Feb 2023, at the IIDS campus in Kathmandu, Nepal. The sessions was tailored according to the fifteenth five-year plan and key findings of the Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) scoping study with an overview through RBM lenses. The goal of the training was to strengthen the capacity of ministry officials in the application of RBM concepts in planning, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects.
Based on the success of the RBM trainings and positive feedback received from the
provincial government, in Nov 2023, IIDS with support from PRCI and CACCI conducted a 3-day policy planning workshop to train diverse stakeholders involved in policy planning process to develop a 5-year climate-resilient development plan and learn RBM tools. Participants agreed that the training enhanced competencies in applying the RBM for better planning focused on development outcomes with specific indicators for results measurement. There were total 17 participants including senior officials from the Office of the Chief Ministers and Council of Ministers, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Management (MoALM), Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development and Transport Management (MPIDTM), Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment (MITFE), Provincial Policy Planning Commission (PPPC), local bodies such as Modi Rural Municipality (Parbat district), Putalibazar Municipality (Syangja district), Institute of Forestry (IOF, Tribhuvan University), National Farmers Group Federation (NFGF) and some local NGO participations (LIBIRD).