To support the ongoing collaboration between IFPRI and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL), PNG, in revising the National Food Security Policy (NFSP) 2017-2027, a two-week data analysis training program was organized for DAL analysts in Aug-Sept 2024. The hands-on training sessions organized by Emily Schmidt, Rishabh Mukerjee, Helmtrude Sikas Iha, and Harry Gimiseve […]
This section provides training material and brief descriptions on related training activities undertaken by IFPRI staff on using STATA.
Please watch the video below for introduction to the training material in this section:
Kenya IFPRI Learning Lab
The Kenya IFPRI Learning Lab is a weekly 1-1.5 hour session on research topics that began on February 15th, 2023 and occurs every Wednesday. The goal of the learning lab is to strengthen research assistants' (RAs) skills in areas relevant to their work. The topics are flexible and based on the demand of research assistants. […]
Survey Data Management and Analysis using STATA
A follow on activity is being conducted to the The Feed the Future Nigeria Agriculture Policy Activity (FtF-NAPA) which was implemented by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Michigan State University (MSU) between February 1, 2021, and November 30, 2022, This activity is building on the successes and achievements of the previous activities, while […]
Training on Program and Policy Impact Evaluation Using Quantitative Methods
Gracie Rosenbach David Spielman, Gilberthe Benimana conducted an in-person training in Kigali, Rwanda on how to evaluate and assess the impact of programs, projects, and policies. Students were acquainted with how the evaluation or impact assessment of program, project, and policy is designed and implemented to inform policy makers and development actors. The course's content […]
KoBoToolbox for Data Collection and Introduction to Data Analysis Using Stata
Mekamu Kedir Jemal conducted a virtual survey design and data collection training ‘KoBoToolbox for Data Collection and Introduction to Data Analysis Using Stata’. The objective of the training was to teach participants how to use Kobo Toolbox to design, implement, and manage survey data, as well as STATA to clean, analyze, and visualize price data. […]