Under the USAID funded PRCI project, Kasetsart University, Thailand, conducted a three part workshop on 'International trade flow analysis training using R' in Oct-Nov 2022. The workshop topic was chosen based on the growing need for analyzing trade data sets by researchers and policymakers to better understand trade flows with other countries and create effective […]
This section provides training material and brief descriptions on related training activities undertaken by IFPRI staff on trade flow analysis.
Please watch the video below for introduction to the training material in this section:
Best Practices and Lessons from Virtual Training on ‘Trade Flow Analysis’
By: Suresh Babu, Xinshen Diao, and Nandita Srivastava December 2021 Introduction This blog is part of a blog series on ‘Conducting Virtual Training during COVID-19: IFPRI Researchers’ Experience’. It will focus on best practices and approaches, key challenges and opportunities, and the way forward. This blog post reflects on the experience of a three-module virtual […]
Dissemination of study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Thailand’s Agricultural Export Flows
To understand the impact of COVID-19 on Thailand agriculture exports, Kasetsart University with support from PRCI conducted a research study using the BACI dataset and Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce trade data. A dissemination workshop was conducted on Nov 24, 2021 to discuss the findings of the study and understand the challenges and emerging issues in […]
Dissemination Workshop: “Sri Lanka’s Agri-Food Trade: Structure, Opportunities, Challenges & Impacts of Covid-19”
To inform Sri Lanka’s policymakers at the national level on agri-food trade in the country, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka in collaboration with PRCI conducted a dissemination workshop on Nov 15, 2021. The focus of the workshop was on the current situation, main challenges, new potentials, and prospects of the agri-food trade in […]
Trade Flow Analysis Training 2021 conducted by Kasetsart University under PRCI
Under the USAID funded Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI) Innovation Laboratory, the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE), Faculty of Economics at Kasetsart University jointly with International Food Policy Research Insittute (IFPRI) and Michigan State University(MSU) organized an international agricultural trade flow analysis workshop in October 2021. This workshop introduced basic […]